The Network

The outreach that everyone wants. Across the Star and to its corners do we reach, finding those you are in search of and giving you access to that which you need.

template made by poohsources


Treat everyone inside, and outside, the FC with respect. Those apart of the Network will be both in and out of the actual FC in game, but it is important to remember that we all strive to work together to make a community.
Character actions have consequences. It's important to know that anything your character does will have an effect on others characters, and the FC as a whole. Be ready for positive, and negative, reactions to whatever your character does/is involved with.
There will be light and dark themes associated with the Network. Please be aware and mindful when interacting with anyone either directly, or indirectly, involved with the community, that there will be things some may not be entirely comfortable with.

Lore bending is perfectly fine, but lore breaking is not something the Network looks for. If it has some credibility to the in-game lore or even within the Final Fantasy universe, then it can be discussed. There's a lot of grey area and openness to much of the lore. Being a WoL is lore breaking in the eyes of the Network as well.
We do not tolerate sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or anything of the sort. If you have a problem with someone for whatever reason, reach out to that person, or ignore them. DO NOT MAKE IT A PROBLEM FOR OTHERS.

About Us

Who we are The Network was born of a want to have a web of connections that would span across the entirety of the star. It was originally based within Ul'dah, a small business that was started by Net, head of the Network, himself out of his building, The Azure Moon Lounge. The more people, groups and projects he found himself invested in, the more he realized that it was too much for one person to manage alone. Thus did the idea of growing the operations he started a year ago, into a Network.Moving from the basement of his Lounge within Ul'dah, Net was given the opportunity to move to Limsa, to a larger building that could adequately house his business. Thus he traveled to the ocean state, and there the Azure Moon was founded. To act as both fronts of business, for the Network itself, and the Lounge. With the estate for the company made, and Rhela, his reliable and loyal to a fault second beside him, Net set out to do what he planned to do. Create a web of connections and associates that he can call upon whenever he may need to.

Our First Goal is to use the connections Net has made so far has become integrated into the Network, helping to further establish it in the realm of reach outs, and wont to be involved with whoever is willing. The Networks primary goal is to reach out to business, groups, venues, Free Companies and individuals that wish to be incorporated into this vast web.Our Second Goal for the Network is to be spread across the entirety of the star, to be involved with many different people and to be thought of first and foremost when it comes to someone looking for anyone, or anything, they may need for whatever reason that may be.Our Symbol The Network's symbol, the star with the elements around in a leyline, signify the want to reach around the Star itself, and form the connections that would empower all within. The elements together strengthen those bonds, as well as show our determination to grow and our unceasing need to be more than we are.

What we offer

..   Supply
We offer an environment for those looking for a wide range of RP to meet and collaborate together openly and freely. We mesh together all sorts of people and groups, be they mercenaries, magick users, researchers, merchants, artisans or the darker more shady folk of the world. We want to contribute to all forms of RP, and want others to contribute their forms to us.
..   Demand
We want those that come to be apart of the Network to offer their stories, their wants and desires to those involved. The Community will run off of characters, rather than a centralized story, though there will be times when such is brought up. We want the members of the Network to work together to make RP, to make the storylines and events. To involve those apart of the community.

..   Chance
We desire to give others the chance to do what they may have always wanted to do with their characters. Many lack the desire to reach out for fear of rejection, of not fitting in, of not giving enough. We wish to help give people the will to seek out the things that originally drove to make their characters.
..   Opportunity
We want the Network to grow, to facility RP between others of all kinds that normally would not interact with each other. To nurture a community that will last for a long time, where people can meet and make friends, connections and find inspiration for their characters, and bring such to others.
..   The Darker Side
The Network is no pristine business, nor is it fully illegal in its operations and dealings. While much of it is legitimate work, just as much of it deals with the underbelly and Black Markets of the Star. Don't be afraid to bring your characters around and involve them if you're interested in the darker themes.

What we do

..   Neutral
The Network is a neutral business that keeps the wants, wills, desires, secrets and other sources to itself. Never sharing these details with others or allowing others to take them from us unless allowed to, or if it would benefit them. We offer security, discretion and discreet business to all our clients. Those of both Legal and Illegal natures that the Network deals with should feel safe divulging anything needed to get the job done.
..   Middleman
The Network is, in of itself, a middleman business. We seek out those who seek out certain individuals skills, business with others, or items, and work to find those who would best suit your needs, and help meet with them. We offer our services to be the mediator between groups so that business and connections remain strong and beneficial to both sides. Those of both legal and illegal standing can feel certain that the Network will work toward the best outcome for all involved.

..   Brokers
Loose lips and willful secrets told are apart of the Networks business as well. While the secrets of clients and associates are safe, others are not so fortunate. Always having an ear and eye out for anything of interest, the Network will find the right people to give it to, for a price. Those seeking certain pieces of information can also hire the Network to gather said details.
..   Dealers
While the Network is a neutral grounds business, we are always willing to negotiate selling items from those the company associates and works with as samplers, to entice customers to meet with the suppliers. From weapons to drugs, to items of interest different kinds of goods, the Network will deal in whatever may help bring in business both to itself, and those we work along side. The Network does not associate, nor do we condone, the trading of slaves or the unwilling sale of flesh. Prostitution or sex work of willing persons is an exception.
..   Azure Moon
The Azure Moon is the Lounge Net runs with his faithful bartender and Loyal, Rhela within the same building the Network is housed in. Making business simpler by using the Lounge to facilitate connections and meet people interested in associating or working with the Network, Net is able to simply walk those interested up the stairs to his office and speak to. With an extensive selection of top shelf liquors, beer, wine, and more, there is sure to be something for every taste.